01 June 2006

The Ceremony (Remixed)

Hear, hear: it's June, summer is upon us for good, and we have important changes to announce!

As much as we initially liked the idea of the wedding ceremony at the St Nicholas (Αγιος Νικολαος) at Karlovassi, lately we became rather more fond of a ceremony at the Chapel of St Marina (Aγια Μαρινα) at the Doryssa Bay Hotel (pictured left).

The Doryssa Bay is on the south side of Samos, very close to the Airport and the town of Pythagoreo. You can get there very easily in 20-25 mins by car or taxi (E20) from Kokkari. The Chapel is part of a traditional village reconstruction within the Hotel's grounds, through an archway to the left of the main reception.

And yes, it's still July 1st, 7:30pm, and still a Greek Orthodox service.

The main advantage we have here is the south-facing location, which guarantees a smooth and warm evening, with a very mild breeze at most -the prospect of a force-5 wind carrying the bride away was always present at Potami.

Of course, we are moving the party to a fabulous beach bar nearby .. but stay tuned more on that in a next post!


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