23 March 2006


Vic had a great ideal: help us keep tabs on who’s arriving (or sadly not) by leaving a comment, and get a bit of social heat warming up this site. So easy: click on “ramblings” just below this post and leave a message for us. Even you technoproles can do this, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest M&A [as in mergers&acquisitions - after all isn't marriage the greatest merger of all?], dear all, I thought I'd drop by and RSVP: YES - YES - YES AND YES AGAIN, WE ARE DEFINITELY GOING TO BE THERE BY ALL MEANS AND VERY HAPPILY SO!!! Now let's see if I can do this rambling (being a tecnhoprole, as Alex put it - hopefully it means: he who hasn't the faintest idea about new technologies?)...
lots of love and filakia


Blogger Unknown said...

The Great Merger, unfortunately, will have a rather opposite effect on our stock prices :) Thanks darling!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, count me in ;-)

Manolito "CS Ambassador" Polychronides


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.



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